Making A Difference – Working To Improve Your Work

It is good you have decided in making a difference in your work. Otherwise, the other reason I can think of why you are reading this is because you are helping someone improve their work.

Regardless, it is a positive move. To make an effort is always laudable. You can start by bringing a new attitude and work ethics to work.

1. Heal Your Lifestyle
Start making a difference in your life if you want to make a difference at work. A lot of the poisonous air we feel at work is because of the collective junk brought to the workplace by all of us. Start to heal your lifestyle. Rise a little early, smoke less, get in some exercise, eat a healthier diet.

I am not asking you to go cold turkey. I am saying start these steps and keep going. When there is a positive change in your life, there will be a positive change in your work. You will make a difference at work by bringing in a healthier cloud with you.

2. Decide To Be The Difference
Once you have healed your lifestyle - and it is important as you want to be a good example the rest can follow – decide to be the difference. That decision is important. I will go even so far as to suggest you write this down. You cannot be wishy-washy about the decision at work. Once you decide, you need to commit. This small step is a switch in your mind that will affect your thoughts, attitude and hence action.

3. Be Committed To The Goal
You can say you want to make a difference. But trying to make a difference can be very tiring. It needs a lot of effort on your end, even if there are no challenges that come your way. You need to be committed to your goal of making a difference. Throw in detractors, trying to make a difference will be even more tiring. Can you stay committed?

4. Take Charge Of Work
You need to take charge of your own work. You cannot rely on others to help you. Be independent in shaping how you do your work and the process of work that comes through you. When you are in charge of your work and do not allow people to push you around you are also sending signals to the rest to do THEIR work. You are making a difference even when you take charge of your own work.

5. Stop Horrifying Work
Work is work and it is not a dread. You should not join in the fray of people who horrifies work. Work can be enjoyable if you are able to put meaning to it. It can be enjoyable if you are able to know what it means to you. Start making a difference by encouraging colleagues to re-frame what is work to them. A clarity and definition of work in their lives will help put things into context.

6. Be Active And Consistent
You cannot expect to make a difference without taking active participation at work. Be active in spreading positivism – that doesn’t mean going around talking about it all day – it can be as simple as choosing the answers you give people. And you need to be consistent in your actions. You cannot be positive one moment and attacking the management the next.

7. Practice Self Discipline
To make a difference at work takes a lot of hard discipline. You need to ensure you follow through with the new attitude you bring to work. Since this attitude is new to you, you will see a lot of internal challenges. You will have a lot of inner chatter that questions why you are doing the things you do. That’s when self-discipline and self-belief comes in handy.

Making a difference is tough. Taking a new stance is tough. But whatever worth fighting for is tough anyway. Make it your goal in bringing a difference to work today.

Can I recommend this? Invest in a copy of 101 Great Ways to Enhance Your Career. I am a contributing author together with the world's 100 other career experts. It will help you answer a lot of career questions you have and make a great gift for yourself or your colleague. Check it out here.

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101 Great Ways to Enhance Your Career

3 years ago, I was invited to participate as a contributing author together with 100 other career experts to create a book called 101 Great Ways to Enhance Your Career. In my chapter, Work Attitude, I discuss how you need to define your attitude at work as critical step to career success. You will be getting career advice up close an personal from some of the best people in their fields like Brian Tracy.
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