I Dread Work: How to Not Fear It

Do you keep telling yourself "I dread work"?. If you do, do you do want a change and a solution to help you stop feeling this way?. Is there a way out from this thought or is this just a phase you are going through?

You are not alone with this challenge. Millions of people have this "I dread work" thought. But this challenge isn’t at all unsolvable. With some effort and a proper plan, you may just feel much better about work and hopefully stop entertaining this negative thought anymore.

1. Accept What You Cannot Change
Change what you can and accept what you can’t. If you have a choice, then change. Put in a plan and execute the plan. If you do not have a choice then quit. If quitting is not a choice then go back to changing your thought about "I dread work". The more you think about the negative thought, the more you become affected by it. If your dominant thought is always about dreading work, it's not a wonder why you dread going to work. Change your thought and you change your life.

2. Focus On The Positive
Look forward to something positive. There must be something positive that made you work there in the first place. What was that? It could be as simple as you needed to pay the bills. And therefore you needed to work. Then focus on that. Your salary helps you pay the bills. If the end results of working where you are right now is solving something, then focus on that positive thing. Be it the pay, good colleagues or great boss. Dig hard to find 3 positive things. Even if it is as simple as – I live close to work. Positive thoughts will help tilt the balance of "I dread work" thoughts. What are you doing to balance the negative thoughts?

3. Focus On Long Term Plans
How does this job help you in achieving what you want to do in the long term? Buy a house, save enough money for a vacation? Gain enough experience so that you can hop on to a better company? Focus on the long term plan and tell yourself this is part of a grander plan that you have, even if you have to trudge through this, you will do it. After all, it will soon pass and you will move on to greener pasture. By focusing on longer term plans you will negate "I dread work" thoughts.

4. Work As An Opportunity For Self Renewal
Work renews us. Many of us do not think about this often enough. Whether we like the work we do or not is besides the point. The work we do allows us to discover ourselves. If we are mindful enough we will discover ways to improve ourselves. Are we lazy? Do we give ourselves excuses? We keep blaming others instead of taking personal responsibilities. When we are mindful, work allows us to renew ourselves.

You likely have the "I dread work" thoughts for some other reasons, but if you at least give some of these solutions a try, going to work may not be as dreadful anymore. Invest sometime to see if you can find a solution instead of mulling over the problem.

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