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How to Control Your Emotions in the OfficeAs a newbie in the office, you may not know how to control your emotions when you are stressed. Emotions in this context refers to extreme emotional responses such as excessive expression of anger. So, how to control your emotions effectively? 1. Make A Decision That Control Is Possible
Remember that YOU hold the key to your own success as your behavior can threaten your career success. The idea is that you want to avoid extreme emotional responses for example in the case of anger – rage and hate. 2. Identify The Emotions You Need To Control
You may say, “Wait a minute, isn’t enthusiasm a good emotion? Why should we control it?” Well, remember that we are talking about excessive expression of that emotion. Ever met a colleague who shows too much enthusiasm on a particular project that it just gets in the way of other team members? 3. Get Rid Of The Stupid Excuses
It is crucial to get rid of the stupid excuses that make you think you don't have to control your emotions. In this case again, we are referring to excessive expression of emotions in the office. If you truly want to know how to control your emotions, then take a step to get rid of these commonly used excuses: "I am being true to myself, why should I change?”
4. Positive Change Should And Can Happen When I hear these excuses, it always makes me wonder if these people know who their true self is? Is the ‘true self’ static? Aren’t our beliefs, attitudes and actions constantly changing? If that is so, then why can’t one choose to change for the better? Remember this, if you want to know how to control your emotions, positive change should happen. Self-improvement has nothing to do with ‘true self’, age – young or old; and friends and colleagues accepting who you are. Self-growth has everything to do with you and not others. Positive change should and can happen once you think about the career success it can bring. 5. Understand The Hot Buttons
6. Simplest Exercise I Have Used Successfully
Majority of the time, you will find that there are things that you can do, and once you start addressing even a simple plan you will see the emotion subsides. The tendency to over express that emotion is thus minimized. This technique on how to control your emotions is used successfully by myself. Act upon your decision today and see that gradual change.
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