Career Planning Success: The 7 Insights & Principles to Career Success (Part 1)

In your steps to career planning success, you should include a set positive attitude factors for career success.

So often you hear people wanting to be successful with their work - regardless of the definition of success and regardless of the work.

But these career planning success does not include perhaps what is most important - a set of factors or principles that can guide you along that path to career success.

Sometimes we pay too much attention to KPIs, targets and career objectives we forget to pay attention to a set of principles that should guide us. These are the basis for career planning success you may like to follow.

The 7 Essential Principles of Career Success

1. A Positive Mental Attitude
As boring as it sounds, this is important. It is probably the most important of all. As you think so you are. You want positive things to happen to you, you must first have a positive attitude. That means looking on the bright side of things regardless of how tough your days, months and year is.

You dread going to work tomorrow; your day will turn out a dread just as you thought it would be. You are a master of your thoughts, not a slave to it. You feel you have lost interest; remind yourself why you found interest in the first place. Almost always it will reignite you.

You don’t know how to be positive? Start with a single thought. As pathetic as it sounds, say to yourself – “Look at the sun today. Such a nice day.” But that is also as easy as it gets. It’s tough? That’s because you think it is tough. Again, it goes back to your thought. Make positive thinking part of your career planning success.

Think, feel, and do. Think happy thoughts, feel the energy and act happy. When you do it often enough you become a positive person. The same energy needed to think worrying and negative thoughts is the same that is needed to think happy and positive thoughts. Why waste that energy? Think a happy thought now.

2. A Sense of Purpose
We think when people say, what is your purpose in life? The answer must surely be grand. Maybe, go to such and such country, start a charity, volunteer at a home and so on and so forth. Sure, if you know that is your calling, so be it. Go ahead and do it. But what if you do not and are still muddling through life? Is life’s purpose so easily discovered? If your life’s purpose was revealed to you today, would you even know it? Are you willing to pay the price for it? While you discover your purpose in life may I suggest this?

Your work is not a hindrance to that search for your grander purpose in life. If it is, you have a choice. If it isn’t, do not blame your work. Get angry at it, you will drift further from your answer. In fact, your work now is part of the process of discovering your grander purpose in life. It is filled with hints, clues and challenges that point you to that purpose.

To do that, find a sense of purpose in your work now. What is your purpose at work? What role do you play? What services do you offer to your fellow colleagues to that make this a better place to work and a better world, and also through the services and products offered by your company? Understand that role and you will understand your grander purpose better, if not discover it. This is an important part of your career planning success and a factor for career success.

3. Joyful Effort
Too many times, you hear people talk about effort. About having to work hard and how you need a combination of working hard and smart. You want to make your career success journey a happy one. Remember these two words. Joyful effort. Effort itself is not enough. You must do it joyfully. Work will become a dread whether through monotony or constant challenges that comes your way. If it was just plain effort, you get tired easily.

Joyful effort gives you energy and endurance in pursuit of your goals. It keeps you from being sidetracked by laziness and challenges. It keeps you from becoming disillusioned by challenges and adversity.

How do you put joy into effort? One way is to have a strong and healthy mind. How do you have a strong and healthy mind? Think positive. How do you think positive? Seed a positive thought. The other way is to see setbacks as lessons that increase chances of success and adversity as a test of mental strength. When you see how these efforts contribute to your success (and discovery of your purpose, if that is your goal), you will do things joyfully.

This is Part 1 of a 2-part article. What other factors for career success should you include in your career planning success? Read about Part 2 here.

Can I recommend this? Invest in a copy of 101 Great Ways to Enhance Your Career. I am a contributing author together with the world's 100 other career experts. It will help you answer a lot of career questions you have and make a great gift for yourself or your colleague. Check it out here.

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